In clinic pelvic floor initial appointments range from $159 for 45 minutes to $184 for 1 hour and follow up appointments $99 for half an hour.

Telehealth pelvic floor appointments are $139 for initial appointments and $89 for follow up appointments.

Musculoskeletal appointments (including pregnancy related pain) are $139 for an initial appointment (45 minutes) and $94 for follow up appointments.

Initial private appointments for semi-private exercise classes range from $99 for 30 minutes to $139 for 45 minutes.

Semi-private exercise classes (maximum 3 in each class) range from $42 for a 45 minute class to $55 for a 60 minute class. Or sign up for 10 classes to receive a 10% discount.

Online pelvic floor exercise classes are $29 per class or $27 per class for a package of 10 classes.

Please note that you may not need to pay the full amount if you have private health insurance extras cover, a Medicare referral from your GP or a seniors card (see the relevant section below). 

Please email us at for a copy of our complete price list and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding pricing.